Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Nobody is happy all of the time, but some people are definitely more fulfilled than others. Studies on what makes people happy reveal that it doesn't have much to do with material goods or high achievement, but it boils down under. Highly happy people all share happy habits. it's as simple as that. The happiest people share seven habits.
1.Be part of something you believe in
2.Share time with friends and family.
3.Reflect on the good
4.Exploit the resources you do have access
5.Create happy endings whenever possible
6.Use personal
7.Savour the natural joy of simple pleasures.


I have decided that my next project will be to make a good carrot cake. I never really liked carrot cake until some friends got married a few months ago and had carrot as their wedding cake. It was absolutely delicious, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. The only problem is that traditional carrot cake is SOOO bad for you! There’s tons of sugar, refined flour, shortening, and even cream cheese. It’s just a heart attack waiting to happen! I made a recipe out of a natural baking cookbook a few months back, and it was just bad. It was dry, mostly tasteless, and flat. Hence, my new quest is to develop a good recipe for carrot cake. I think this will probably involve using different fruits to get the right texture.

One ingredient I have learned to love in baking is applesauce. Applesauce is great for baking because it’s so versatile. It’s sweet enough to replace a lot of the sugar in a recipe, but also contains ample quantities of pectin, which acts as a binder. Thus, it can also replace shortening in a recipe. And applesauce, more so than flax, tends to keep baked goods more moist (although not as moist as oil). So, I think applesauce will play a key role in my carrot cake adventure. I also plan to experiment using pineapple. We’ll see how it works out.


Pokok herba yang tumbuh tegak, boleh mencapai ketinggian 20-25 cm setelah matang
Ubi/akar tunjang berisi, tumbuh lurus, berbentuk kon atau silinder
Daun lazimnya 8-12 helai, tersusun dalam bentuk roset,warna hijau, setiap satu daun terbahagi menjadi banyak lai daun yang kecil

Ubi:- Dimakan mentah, digoreng buat sayur, dimasak sup, dicampur dengan sayuran, ikan atau daging untuk dibuat lauk.

Ubi:- Dibuat jus dan disapu pada tempat terbakar
lobak merah dimakan sebagai tonik umum, tonik perut dan ubat untuk mengeluarkan
angin dalam perut dan usus.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Ia setinggi 15-30 cm, dan jika dibiarkan sampai tua ia boleh mencapai
ketinggian 70 cm.

Sawi putih berasal dari negara China dan sekarang ditanam di banyak negara
seperti Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand.
Digoreng atau dibuat sup.kadang-kadang sawi ini dijadikan sayur masin.
Sawi putih kering dibuat sup atau sayur yang dimakan dengan bubur.